Ferret Steam & Dried Raw Food Chart

This information is for ferrets.
If you have cats, please check out CatFoodChart.com

Last updated: (1 month ago)

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Steam & Dried Raw Brands

Note: the average score is for each brand's steam & dried raw foods only. They may offer other types that score higher or lower.
  Name Average Score Website # of Steam & Dried Raw Foods
ZiwiPeak logo ZiwiPeak F ziwipets.com 3

All Steam & Dried Raw Foods


Analysis Ingredients
Name Score Meat Protein Fat grain- &
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
F 90% 38% 28% 11th beef beef lung whole southern blue whiting beef tripe beef liver
F 87% 40% 26% 8th whole jack mackerel hoki whole southern blue whiting whole sardine whole mackerel
F 90% 38% 28% 7th chicken chicken liver chicken necks whole mackerel chicken bone